Sunday, June 21, 2015

Still on Top

The debate over whether the Hayabusa is still the fastest bike has been tested recently by the new ZX14. Although, the ZX14 has a bigger engine, with 1400cc's, it still can't outrun the Hayabusa. The ZX14 has too much weight and is too bulky. The Hayabusa still proves it is still on top year after year. 

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Stunt Man Free Fall

Stunt Fails

Motorcycles are always fun to watch and see tricks done.  

My personal favorite is a good burn out. The smell of rubber and smoke is enjoyable to me. 

Unfortunately, bikes are man made and do malfunction at any time,  such as in the video when his burn out made his bike malfunction and catch fire.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Travel light

Imagine you are on 2 wheels and you have no space to put anything, besides a small compartment under the back seat that's only big enough for a wallet and a garage door opener. Other than that there is no space. 

The best way to secure your items is to carry a book bag with you when riding wherever you go. 

Also, you could get a tank bag which magnetically sticks to the gas tank and it has zip lock compartments on it for storage. Don't expect to travel with any heavy or large items while on a bike.

Thursday, June 18, 2015


"Biker Boys"

My dad's helmet with his old nick name on it (blue and white to match his old bike)
There is a movie called "Biker Boys," it is an older movie, and I'm sure you can guess what it is about...


In the movie they refer to helmets as lids. Their helmets are used as trophies and once you win a lid, you have that persons respect. 

You can personalize your helmet to fit you. Not just for comfortable fitting but to represent who you are. Such as, painting your bike. There are many different things you can do to your helmet as far as painting,  designs, or Mohawk furs on top. You can design it anyway you see fit to describe your sense of style. 

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Byrd on 2 Wheels

Guest Post: Byrd on Two Wheels

My guest for my blog, is Mr. Ben Byrd. He is enthusiastic about motorcycles and his passion led him to race them as a hobby and he is here to tell his story and give his advice to anyone who would want to do the same thing. 

Bennie Bryd's 2000 Hayabusa 1300 GSXR (that he races)
I'm Bennie Byrd and I've been drag racing motorcycles since 1990. I've been riding a motorcycle since the age 19. I have a big passion for bikes and working on them. I have two bikes that I race, 2000 Hayabusa and 2008 Hayabusa. Now for anyone that's interested in getting into the sport motocross or drag racing, here's a couple of points. 

1) Racing hinges off of the amount of money you want to spend. The faster you go the more it cost. 

2) You will need safety gear:
  •  leather suit, boots, 
  • helmet, gloves. 

Those are the two main items for now.

But again the down side for someone starting out is getting everything you need to get started (monetary side of it). 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Ice Cream Paint Job

Yamaha R6
One good thing about motorcycles is that you can accessorize the bikes fairly easy. You can get customized work done cheaper than you would a car. You can personalize your bike to make it fit you and represent who you are. 

Monday, June 15, 2015

It's a Southern Thing

Liquor cycles


In my hometown of Spartanburg, SC, I see a lot of mopeds. Just because they have two wheels does not put them in the same category as motorcycles or dirt bikes.

In fact, we call them liquor cycles because people either lost their license because of DUI's so they ride mopeds, or they are only used for liquor store runs. 

They are actually a pain to see on the road, and good luck if you ever get stuck behind one on a no passing road :).